Wobbly Christmas Presents

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Wobbly Christmas Presents
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  1. jelly crystals
  2. 1 color or a variety
  3. sweet biscuits
  4. icing
  5. (Recipe below)
  6. desiccated coconut
  7. Writing Icing
  8. (Glitter and Chocolate work the best.
  9. Standard color Writing Icing tends to dissolve on the jelly
  1. .
  2. Make the jelly accordi
  3. ng to the packet instructions, but use
  4. one third
  5. less
  6. water than the packet indicates. This will make
  7. the
  8. jelly firmer and easier to handle. Pour about 20mm into a
  9. flat bottomed container. Don’t make it too deep as it will be
  10. difficult
  11. to manipulate. Refri
  12. gerate overnight.
  13. 2.
  14. Spread a thin layer of icing over the top of the biscuit.
  15. Pictured is a ‚Soft Butter Icing‛, but st
  16. ore bought frostin
  17. g is
  18. fine
  19. .
  20. The icing serves to stop the jelly from moistening the
  21. biscuit. Sprinkle desiccated coconut over the icing
  22. .
Recipe for Butter Icing
  1. Place 150g of room temperature
  2. butter
  3. in a large mixing bowl. Use
  4. an electric beater to beat until it becomes light in colour. Add 2 cups of sifted
  5. icing sugar
  6. and beat until the mixture is very pale and fluffy. Add 1 tablespoon
  7. of
  8. milk
  9. and beat until
  10. smooth and well combined.
  11. 3.
  12. Briefly immerse the jelly container into a bowl of hot water.
  13. Flip the jelly over onto a cutting board.
  14. 4.
  15. Slice the jelly into squares or rectangles to fit your biscuit.
  16. Note: When slicing the jelly,
  17. push down the knife and slide
  18. the piece over
  19. to the side
  20. rather than drawing the knife
  21. through the jelly. This can break the jelly.
  22. 5.
  23. Gently lift the jelly present
  24. ,
  25. with your knife
  26. ,
  27. onto the biscuit.
  28. 6.
  29. Add ‘ribbon’ with the Writing Icing.
  30. 7.
  31. And then
  32. a bow on top.
  33. Store in the refrigerator until
  34. you are
  35. ready to serve
Holiday Cottage http://www.holidaycottagepage.com/