White Fudge Cookie Cutter Gifts
2013-12-11 21:41:23

- 1
- bag (12 oz) white vanilla baking chips (2 cups)
- 1
- container (1 lb) ready-to-spread creamy vanilla frosting
- 1/2
- teaspoon cherry extract
- Decorator frosting
- Colored sugar
- Candies
- 1 Line large cookie sheet with foil. Spray foil with cooking spray. Generously spray 20 hollow metal 6-inch cookie cutters; place on cookie sheet.
- 2 In 2-quart saucepan, melt white vanilla baking chips over low heat, stirring frequently, until smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in frosting and cherry extract.
- 3 Fill each cookie cutter with 1/2 cup melted mixture. Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour. Decorate as desired.
- 4 Wrap each filled cookie cutter gift with cellophane or plastic wrap; tie with ribbon. Store in refrigerator.
Holiday Cottage http://www.holidaycottagepage.com/