New Year’s Eve Cupcakes Recipe

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New Year's Eve Cupcakes Recipe
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  1. 1 can (16 ounces) vanilla frosting
  2. Cupcakes of your choice
  3. Assorted jimmies
  4. Green, white and red Air Heads candies
  5. Gold pearl dust
  1. Frost cupcakes and sprinkle with jimmies. If necessary, microwave candies on high for 3- to 5-second intervals to soften. Form green candies into champagne bottles. Cut squares from white candies to form labels; press gently onto bottles to attach. Brush bottle tops with pearl dust.
  2. Shape white candy into champagne flutes. Cut thin strips of red candies; twist to form streamers. Decorate cupcakes with bottles, champagne flutes and streamers as desired. Store in an airtight container. Yield: varies.
Holiday Cottage