Fruit Roll-Ups® Wicked Witch Hats

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Fruit Roll-Ups® Wicked Witch Hats
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  1. 1
  2. Blazin’ Blue/Green Betty Crocker® Fruit Roll-Ups® fruit flavored snack from the Blastin’ Berry Hot Colors® pack or Fruit Fusion™ variety pack
  3. 1
  4. marshmallow
  5. 2
  6. dark chocolate fudge-striped shortbread cookies
  7. 2
  8. Betty Crocker® Fruit Gushers® fruit flavored snacks (any variety)
  1. 1 Unroll fruit flavored snack; remove paper. Cut Blazin' Blue/Green fruit flavored snack in half, separating the blue from green. Cutting diagonally, cut the green half from corner to corner, into two triangles.
  2. 2 Cut the marshmallow in half top to bottom with scissors sprayed with cooking spray. Then, on each marshmallow half, cut at an angle around top to make a cone shape.
  3. 3 Wrap green fruit flavored snack triangle around marshmallow cone shape, overlapping sides slightly to form witch hat, bending point of hat as desired. Place wrapped marshmallow on top of fudge cookie. Cut two thin strips from the remaining half of blue fruit flavored snack. Wrap one of the strips around the base of each wrapped marshmallow hat. Press Gushers® fruit flavored snack on strip to look like a buckle.
Holiday Cottage